Rahavendhar Hospitals has a wide range of Diagnostic services with its state of art equipments.
The laboratory is equipped with hi-tech adjustable speed microcentrifuger, fully automated bio chemical analyzer, ABG analyzer, Electrolyte analyzer, Enzyme Linked Immuno Assay reader with efficient reporting system. The radiological unit with high resolution and modern ultra sonogram with color Doppler provides accurate diagnostic potency. Echo cardiogram and computerized tread mill offers high tech assessment of cardiac status. The equipped laboratory offers serological, biochemical, pathological and microbiological diagnostic procedures. Endoscopy in OGB, Colonoscopy and ERCP is being done. Also in laparoscopy, cystoscopy, urethroscopy, nephroscopy and bronchoscopy is being done.
With latest digital X-Ray, portable X-Ray, mammogram and CT scan we offer a comprehensive and complete imaging service for most of the requirements of the patients.