Department of Pediatrics

Diagnosing the problems of kids are always a challenging one as in most cases they can’t either express or could not explain in a right way of their ailments and we have skilled Pediatricians with vast experience who follow a holistic approach in finding the infant problems and treating in the right way alleviating them of their pain. In general our specialists speak for your kids.

Children are always special and they differ from adults in many ways both physiological and psychological. They should be much cared for their illness need to be treated differently.

The highly qualified team of the department is experienced in managing different diseases, critical illnesses, birth disorders and traumatic injury of the infants and children. The Department apart from medical management of kids performs a number of pediatric surgeries for new born, Infants and kids. The Department has a well equipped NICU and ICU to take care of toddlers for emergencies. NICU is equipped with neonatal ventilators, Incubators, warmers and Phototherapy units. The ICU is equipped with ventilators and multipara monitors to take care of the critically ill children.

Our Doctors


  • General Pediatric consultation as outpatient service
  • In Patient service for the children needy of observation
  • Immunization facilities
  • Post natal Infant care programs
  • Breast feeding Counseling
  • Treating Complex congenital anomalies
  • Treating Birth defects that include Blockages in the urinary & Intestinal Systems, Absence of anal opening, Food and windpipe disorder, Spinal cord defects, Hirschsprung’s disease
  • Children problems that include Bleeding from GIT, Hernia, Hydrocele, Intestinal obstruction.
  • Treating problems of chest and Lungs
  • Treating Liver Diseases
  • Management of Pediatric emergency with Neonatal ICU, Post natal wards and ICUs.


  • Neonatal ICUs with Incubators, Respirators, warmers, and photo therapy units
  • ICUs with ventilators and Multipara Monitors
  • Round the clock dedicated medical support team for children care
  • Preventive care facilities with vaccination schedules and regular follow ups as reminders for the next update on immunization